first aid for families, teenagers and Seniors

Are you interested in learning first aid skills so you can help out your family and friends?

First aid is an essential life skill for everyone, but it is especially important for parents and teenagers.

As a parent, you are responsible for the safety and well-being of your children. By knowing first aid, you can be prepared to handle any emergencies that may arise, from minor injuries to serious medical conditions.

Teenagers are also at a higher risk of accidents and injuries than other age groups. They are more likely to participate in risky activities, such as sports and driving. They are also more likely to be involved in fights or other altercations.

First aid for teens
Teenagers first aid course training

By knowing first aid, parents and teenagers can:

  • Provide immediate care for injuries and illnesses. This can help to prevent further harm and promote recovery.
  • Reduce the risk of complications. First aid can help to stabilize a person’s condition until medical help arrives. This can reduce the risk of serious complications, such as infection or permanent disability.

  • Save lives. In some cases, first aid can be life-saving. For example, knowing CPR can save a person’s life if they have a heart attack or go into cardiac arrest.

If you are a parent or teenager, I strongly encourage you to take a first aid course. There are many different courses available, so you can find one that fits your needs and schedule. Most first aid courses cover the basics of first aid, such as CPR, choking, bleeding, and burns. You will also learn about how to assess a situation, make a call to emergency services, and provide care until help arrives.

Taking a first aid course is one of the best things you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones. It is a skill that you will use for the rest of your life.

Enroll in a first aid course today and learn the skills you need to save a life!

We offer the following First Aid Courses


 Whether you are regularly looking after your grandchildren or simply want to make sure your first aid skills are up-to-date, we have the perfect course for you. We also offer a first aid course for teenagers, ideal for those looking for a summer job or participating in outdoor sports

Teenagers first aid

Training and assessment is delivered on behalf of ABC First Aid RTO 3399